arthur and mary beth fanfiction

Abigail is saddened when Arthur is forced to part ways with her and Sadie because he has to confront Micah. As a result, it's never shown just how much Arthur cares about Mary-Beth. I have been working on this for quite some time, so I decided to share it. Three years during which you couldnt stop thinking about him. It is mentioned that he beat Arthur at times. Arthur, along with Dutch and Micah, rescued Sadie early on in the story when the O'Driscoll Boys ransacked her home and killed her husband. She was obviously pleased with this compliment, shooting a such as sugar smile his way. The loss of his son and Eliza made Arthur appreciate the family he had in the Van der Linde gang and perhaps fuelled the frustration he had with John when he ran away after getting Abigail pregnant with Jack. Throughout the game's six chapters, Arthur develops quite a bit more than John ever did. John shook his head, Hes the strangest man., Abigail smirked, Ye have to admit, the crops were better than ever last year. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. At camp Hosea is one of the gang members Arthur can play Dominoes with. Karen had a relationship with Sean, which was basically an open secret, and becomes an alcoholic after his death. The two part ways again for the final time. Arthur treated Jack like he was his own son and believes John neglects him too much. This is the last time they see each other, with Trelawny admitting that he will miss Arthur and tells him that he has been a fine friend to him. A drunken Molly falsely claimed to have ratted on the gang when they moved to Beaver Hollow. They shared similar beliefs and principles, albeit Charles was a little bit more moral than him, at one point he berates Arthur for being willing to send a German family on their way after having a family member kidnapped by the Lemoyne Raiders. Ultimately, however, Tilly and Bill's bickering compromises the intended plan and instead they change to brute force, with Tilly leaving as that is not her style. What little shred of faith and loyalty Arthur had left for Dutch had finally been broken. Very patient when it comes to teaching you anything, be it the drawing, horse riding or shooting. When the gang, alongside Dutch, support Eagle Flies at the factory, he and Arthur manage to make it to Cornwall's office and steal some lucrative state bonds. The two men were under orders from a mysterious figure known only as The Traveler to save Arthur, as a reward for turning his life around. Mary-Beth was attempting to stumble after them, but thankfully Charles intercepted and grabbed her, seemingly trying to keep her distracted. If Arthur does decide to go back for the "money", it is likely that he instead wished to have one last showdown with Micah, evidenced by the fact that he will shout his name and ask him to show himself, even admitting that he went for the money because of "unfinished business" he had with him, showing the intense hatred between the two. The gang eventually escapes with the money. Sadie builds up enough trust in Arthur that she asks for his help to hunt the last of the O'Driscoll Boys, bluntly telling Arthur that he is the only one out of all the fools in the gang she trusts. Arthur is the longest serving member of the Van der Linde gang, excluding Hosea, with the Van der Linde gang starting with just Dutch, Hosea and Arthur. After the latter incident Trelawny chooses to stay with the gang for a while. But over time, things complicate. Upon giving her the Harmonica, Arthur comments that he would love to hear her play sometime, but Sadie tells him that she only ever played the Harmonica for her husband and would rather keep it that way, but thanks him and leaves some Gun Oil at his tent to show her appreciation. If he ever comes back here, He whispered to the fire, the rage pumping through his veins with every beat of his heart, Ill make him wish he had died.. At camp, Kieran never goes up to Arthur to engage in a conversation (with the exception of Jack's return party where he is drunk). Hosea often calls for Arthur's backing when he is having disputes with Dutch, and even with some fellow gang members such as Bill. He becomes more friendly to him and now refers to him as "O'Driscoll" in jest rather than out of scorn. The games vast and atmospheric world will also provide the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. Arthur meets a creature in Saint Denis and struggles to adjust to his new reality. "Well, what do you think I came for, John?" Early on, Arthur, alongside Javier, rescues John after he got lost and attacked by a pack of wolves that leaves John with his famous scars. Once the gang arrives and finds the area crawling with O'Driscolls a shootout begins that ends with all the O'Driscolls being killed. Their relationship is very similar to what Uncle has with John. There are so many delightful characters in camp that interact with Arthur. Arthur glanced back but kept following Sadie as she held onto his hand with a death grip. They find two of Cornwall's men and go to stealth kill them, only for Uncle to fumble it and Arthur is then forced to save him. "Who would you choose, I bet you'd choose Arthur," Mary-Beth said dreamily. Arthur spoke up again. The player can chose how Arthur felt about Mickey. If Arthur dies before completing Hamish's story line he will be saddened by his death, speaking of Arthur's hunting achievements with John. After the arrival of the Pinkertons, and a shootout erupts, both Arthur and John try to escape from the Pinkertons, led by Edgar Ross, as well as from Dutch, Micah, Bill and Javier, through the caves and up a hill. Arthur and Dutch have a long history together, with Arthur seeing him as a mentor and a father figure who taught him the life of an outlaw and embraced Dutch's view of a life free from modern civilisation and its rules. Arthur points out that he is loyal and Bill is too dumb to realise the reality of the situation. Abigail, when Jack brings up Arthur, says that John does not like to talk about Arthur much. Work Search: Under the assumption that Jack had lost John, Arthur ran off with Sadie to rescue Abigail to prevent Jack from becoming an orphan. Abigail opts to make the stew when Pearson gets sick. This page takes a look at Arthur's various relationship from the perspective of high honor and with Arthur agreeing to help all the characters he meets, as the game pushes you in this direction and is, as a result, the most likely experiences players will have when playing this game. Have you ever wondered what Red Dead would be like based in the 1950s? He also gains new relationships throughout his journey. He tries to give Jack advice and, at the request of Abigail, asked if he wanted to go fishing with him. Lenny can request Arthur to find him a pocket watch and in return will leave Arthur a stick of dynamite at his tent. A/N: If you prefer to read this on AO3, click here. Arthur and Mary-Beth share a sweet moment round the campfire at Shady Belle as they reminisce over Kieran's unexpected and brutal death. Occasionally, at camp, Arthur can open up to Karen and tell her how he really feels and what he thinks of his violent actions. A few years later Abigail finds out that Jack can remember Arthur and believes that it was Arthur that saved them, Abigail confirms this and says that, "None of us would be here today if it wasn't for Arthur." Lenny's performance and competency impressed Arthur to such an extent that he declares he will ride with Lenny anytime. My favorite trio UwU. Upon learning of the pregnancy Arthur offered Eliza whatever support he could give. Well, oftentimes I have one character say what Im thinkin before the other comes and comforts them. she blushed, realizing what she was saying, and that she couldnt just outright tell Arthur that the comforting she spoke of really meant fucking, and that the character which did so was always him. After Seans death, Mary Beth asks Arthur to take her on a hunting trip, somewhere far away. The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. Arthur is often vocal, and scornful, about the things Micah does around camp such as ridiculing Swanson, taunting Javier, Lenny and Charles because they are a different race, harassing Abigail at camp and even kicking Jack's dog, Cain. With Arthur having become greatly disillusioned with Dutch, andnow realizing that he hasbecome a shadow of his former self, or possibly the man he has always been who merely uses others to further his own desires, he decides to help John, Abigail and Jack escape the gang and be free from all this trouble. Arthur worked with John to help him leave the gang with Abigail and Jack, behind Dutch's back, and promised to help him retrieve Dutch's hidden stash so he and his family could have a life of their own. Arthur protested continuing but John encourages him to keep pushing. If you look at Arthurs interaction with people who dont speak English It seems like he has little to no patience with them lmfao. Now, youre officially an outlaw, hed say when you finally feel comfortable holding a revolver. Pearson is the one who arranges a parlay between Dutch and Colm O'Driscoll after he has a run in with some of Colm's men, however, this inadvertently leads to Arthur being captured and tortured by Colm and his men, something Pearson repeatedly apologises for. Arthur mentions Isaac when conversing with Rains Fall, telling him that the incident made him realize that he can't expect good things to happen to him with the life he led. Later, Arthur learns that Micah is a rat and has been talking to the Pinkertons since their return from Guarma, infuriating Arthur to such an extent that, instead of running away with Abigail and Sadie, he confronts Micah at the camp and holds him at gunpoint to proclaim to everyone that he is a traitor. Press J to jump to the feed. (That is, until Miss Grimshaw comes by, sees you sleeping and wake up both of you, rushing you to do some work). He's even avoiding Abigail so she tries to get an answer out of him. She can also request Arthur to find her some Oregano herbs and in return will leave him some Miracle Tonic beside his tent. As the gang started to fall apart, due to Dutch's growing violence and paranoia, Arthur did all he could for Jack and his family to escape and live a free and safe life. He was often quick to point out this poor habit and the foolish situations he got himself into, forcing Arthur, at one point, to save him from getting killed by an oncoming train after he gets his foot stuck in the tracks. In reality, however, Arthur was thankful for Kieran saving his life. They got their chance and they would successfully kill Micah. Highlighting that when Arthur messes up it is just "one of them things. Summary: Mary Beth want to confess her feelings for you, but she's nervous. Please consider turning it on! This optional mission nailed that shit. Like Lenny, Tilly expresses concern to Arthur about being in the state of Lemoyne which has a history of slavery and all the racism that comes with it. Hamish is perhaps the only person in the game Arthur builds an authentic and genuine friendship with, Arthur never mocks Hamish and enjoys his company in spite of Arthur's reclusiveness trait. The Pinkertons then arrive at the gang's hideout and a shootout begins, John and Arthur flee through a cave and up a hill, where Dutch, Micah, Cleet and Joe begin chasing them. She maintained her friendship with John years later. Bill is another gang member who doesn't try to talk to Arthur around camp. Hes more than happy to go over it again with you, or explain in simpler terms if you are having a hard time understanding. Every few months Arthur would visit Eliza and Isaac and stay with them for a few days. Arthur's dislike of Micah grew when he inadvertently led him, Bill and Sean into a trap that led to Sean's death and took advantage of Hosea's death to get close to Dutch and have a greater influence on him. You would attentively listen to the leader, Dutch was his name, and try to memorize the words he spoke. ", I got to dance with Karen when Dutch randomly put on his record player at Clemens Point , Yes me too! Arthur is filled with remorse over this, with Kieran having saved his life once but Arthur having been unable to save his. He will tell her how Arthur saved his life and that he thinks about him everyday, in response, she also reveals that she, too, thinks about Arthur a lot, showing how much she cares and respects Arthur before, and after, his death. Arthur saw Lenny as a very bright kid and talented member of the gang, he would often stand up for Lenny whenever Micah taunted him. The two then bid each other farewell, with mutual respect, this being the last time they see each other. "Mary-Beth," he rumbles in reply, the depth of his voice thick with liquor and the cigarette he's nursing. He has a rich arc full of ups and downs . The gang is in trouble, and as Arthur and Mary Beth aim to set out on their own one day, they must find a way to help those they love while eventually, finding escape. The fire crackles at his feet, glowing orange across his dark boots and spitting sparks into the darkening sky. The gang was able to barter with Bronte for the return of Jack, much to Abigail's relief who emotionally thanked Arthur and the others. In a random camp encounter Abigail complains that she cannot afford a new set of clothes for Jack, giving Arthur the choice to give her $5, indicating that he is willing to help Abigail and Jack in any way he can. On the boat he acts as Arthur's friend and tells him to go play Poker with Desmond Blythe, as part of the plan. Arthur Morgan is a dead man walking, and his is a story no one would have thought to have told. Whilst at camp, one of the chores has Arthur moving two sacks to Pearson's wagon, and he will occasionally thank Arthur for doing this. At camp Javier doesn't go up to Arthur for random conversations. I thought thats sweet, dont you?. It was Trelawny's intel that helped the gang locate Sean after he was captured in Blackwater following the failed job there. Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? She had left the Foreman Brothers after she killed a man named Malcom who was the cousin of Anthony Foreman, for valid reasons. Summary: It reaches your ears that there in camp goes on a bet that you and Arthur will end up together. She is sixteen and he must be twice that. One of the motives for Arthur rescuing John from Sisika Penitentiary was for her and Jack, but also because John had begun to show that he does care for Abigail and Jack greatly, indicating that Arthur prioritises their well-being. When Kieran is brought into camp, Mary Beth starts feeding him and sneaking him in drinks while Kieran's tied to the tree, as the story progresses, Mary . After being tortured by Colm o'driscoll, Arthur gets back to camp. If Arthur does this there will be a regular supply of fire and poison arrows beside his bed. This view is further exacerbated when Dutch takes advantage of Eagle Flies' pent up rage at the U.S. Army, with Arthur feeling that Dutch is putting the Wapiti Tribe at risk and compromising the well-being and safety Rains Fall has fought so hard to gain and protect. Later in the story Bill has planned to rob a stagecoach and can ask Arthur to come along, upon telling him the details Arthur will invite Tilly to join them as they need to create a distraction to stop the stagecoach, indicating that he trusts Tilly's abilities to help on jobs. Howdy, my fellow outlaws! Arthur has a brief yet friendly relationship with Joe, with the two talking about recent events. This concerns Arthur, and his friend Charles, greatly. Loves running her fingers through your hair. Arthur and Pearson are very friendly towards each other. Charles taught Arthur how to hunt early in the story when Pearson complained that there wasn't enough food. Arthur, although shocked, doesn't try to help her, but this is likely because he was caught up in the tense standoff and couldn't afford to pay any attention to her dying. Should the player accept, Arthur will attack the ranch. Thought you might find it useful, hed say, giving you a brand new journal. Mary sends Arthur another letter with the ring he gave her a long time ago. Eliza knew of Arthur's criminal background but had accepted any support Arthur offered to her and Isaac. The two agreed that Dutch had become the man he taught everyone not to be, with both of them pondering the idea that either the Dutch they are seeing now is his true-self or that Dutch is a shadow of his former-self. From a certain perspective, the void that was left behind by Arthur removing Dutch from his sense of admiration is filled by Rains Fall.

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