twisted wonderland boyfriend headcanons

"Your answer has been heard beyond the door." A Gift With MeaningAs lasting as bronze, Ace:Sharing an UmbrellaRain +You look good in my colors.The moon is beautiful, isnt it?, Leona:If I told you I loved you, what would you say?Leona has you rest Kissing in Secret, Azul:A Band?Kiss the Girl - Short idea/imagineShall we play a little game?. Jade: He absolutely hates washing dishes, so he'll usually pass the job onto someone else. Boyfriend Scenarios. As of now, I am trying to work on the requests that require two parts so I can focus on the singular requests that can be done in one post. ! As you ran to Crowleys office, Kalim turns to Jamil. Malleus eyes scan over you as if to check for any injuries before he asks how youre feeling. Can i please! Headcanon, please! A Twisted Wonderland Only Blog Request Box NOT open yet My first Headcanon/Scenario blog so please be easy on me ;-; Ask me anything Follow. This special involves a headcanon centered around the dorm/house. They tell you as much, describing how lively and exciting things can be in the Coral Sea (with the right company, that is - and in their humble opinions, theyd make great guides). Act! Jack Howl/Reader. Ace Trappola/Reader. This special involves a headcanon centered around the dorm/house. co Tokyo Revengers x SMR!!! Yes. is stirring in his heart, besides the anger boiling in his veins, Malleus: Ahthis feelingthis lonely feeling As he sat in his seat with an angry look on his face, he sudden sees in his peripheral vision Jade and Floyd, coming in with a large object with a large cloth covering it entirely. crossover. One that you dont I love your blog, btw!! Still, here you can share all of your twst confessions and/or headcanons. co Cover by: my bsf @idiotnumberfour Dont be surprised if you get engulfed in a hug once you come to. WoAh! ), But after your vacation you had to leave the residence and wasnt sure when youd be back, but you promised to meet them again. Heartslabyul (Twisted-Wonderland) Savanaclaw (Twisted-Wonderland) Octavinelle (Twisted-Wonderland) Scarabia (Twisted-Wonderland) Ignihyde (Twisted-Wonderland) Pomefiore (Twisted-Wonderland) Diasomnia (Twisted-Wonderland) Language: English Collections: Blugg_Glubb, Twisted Wonderland Stats: Published: 2022-05-21 Updated: 2023-02-27 Words: 119119 Until Azul deals them a silencing glare, because, well, you were starting to look paler than just a second ago from imagining it. But a shy bubbly female mc for twisted wonderland who is terrified of the ocean and it's creatures, with Azul and the eel twins? No gender is specified as usual, hope youll enjoy this! [ ! One day they bring another friend along! Hes reflecting over what happened, Malleus cant help but feel disappointed, maybe even a little disgusted, with himself for being the cause of this. Grims slack. Somewhat because of Silver, theres usually a cat outside the shop thats followed him there. It takes a lot for Vils composure to break, and seeing someone he holds dear overblot qualifies as one. You, a female cake dog who had found the means to becom A simple Isaac foster X reader to which the reader replaces Rachel, but with a different backgroun Now, lets set this party that you suggested last minute.. First published Jun 06, 2022 Summoned by a magic mirror to a Twisted Wonderland, a world altogether unlike her own. Requests are open! (Twisted Wonderland Scenario Part I), this makes me question my taste in anime bois, I just pushed all the short guys into one tier, also i want to talk about twst with someone, He is definitely the pampering boyfriend, will you spoil rotten with fashionable clothes and the latest beauty care, Every birthday is a spa day for you two, from manicures and pedicures to facials and massages, You also made a mental note to never consult your injuries with Vil, because he freaks out too much, even if its a paper cut, But besides the over excessive side of him, he has some good sides to him, He can definitely tell when you are not in a good mood or you are self-doubting about yourself, Because hes there to reassure you and have you forget that you ever thought about how you may not be worthy of Vil, He always says something along the lines of Anything beautiful will never leave my sight as a way of saying he will never leave your side, I can totally imagine when you two sleep together, he will turn away from you because he thinks that this state of him is not beautiful. I just finished reading all of your posts, haha, Reaction of dormitory leaders with a shy person (gender neutral). For clarification, anything that has [On Hold] means that I have read the request, its just that my hands are full so I cant get to it rn. What is it why do you look so . You look to see everyone smiling, but you had the biggest grin on your face when Riddle smiled gently at you. Posts tagged with #twisted wonderland headcanons. Anyways, I havent seen you in a while! Here it is: my English headcanon voices for the twst boys! Does not let go under any circumstance. Yes, these spells are written in Please Come Watch (Choco Ball Cookie x fem!R Y/n wasn't anyone too special, she was an art student at Dark Fudge College specializing in acting . show you the new clothes and makeup he got for you so you can always look your Shall We Date? one shots, scenarios, and headcanons requests closed very slow . Savanaclaw, He immediately runs up to you and grabs your Plus this request is better than the requests he gets now. A/N: This was for an event on my blog, though I may reopen interactions in the future if there is an interest for them! dorm, the first he does ripping the pictures of the two of you together, Vil: Hathisthis is not beautiful at all. dorm, the first he does ripping the pictures of the two of you together, Vil: Hathisthis is not beautiful at all. Hey there! B: I like you and I kinda want to pat your head! | The cover is made by @TakumiPineappleXD. You leaned closer to him as he whispered, You got some guts to try to surprise me with this. again, and I thought that I can forget this feeling again but I guess youre You were nervous, ever since you started your lessons with Azul, Riddle seemed to keep a close eye on you. Also I tried my best to make it reader-insert but I feel that its a bit OC. No, wait a minute l! You sat by Riddle, who had the biggest smile on his face. Kalim: I just realized that I shouldve only invited her tonight*sighs*I wasted an opportunity to confess my feelings for her!, Jamil: I was trying to help you out earlier but it seem like you didnt catch my signal again. Riddle didn't have anything against RSA before because Chen'ya went there, and he was a friend. ! The person jumped up, following a grumpy look on their The residence youre at is actually in the Coral Sea, nearby the barrier - which is only possible because your parents are who they are. Swapping Bodies with fem!reader - Riddle, Leona, Jamil, Kalim, AceMeeting the Readers Accepting Family - Malleus, Leona, Jamil, Riddle , Stronger and Taller Fem!Reader - Floyd, Leona, Idia, MalleusWhen youre afraid of storms/lightning - Leona, Ruggie, Cater, Floyd, Jamil Twisted Wonderland x reader oneshots! twisted wonderland expectations: an otome game where disney villains are turned into hot guys that hit on you . I have to go! choice. The eel wasnt sure why until he got close enough to see you properly, then, They hold a meeting with Floyd later in the evening and the guy almost rushes to Ramshackle to find you himself, People grow and change, of course, but the three manage to pick out your features and match them to memory (also your little quirks and habits thatve stuck throughout the years) and finally determine that it. stop distracting me, (y/n)! Taking care of him when hes sick, Epel:Pearls and Apples - Part 1 of Mermaid!Epel, Lilia:A Solstice Ball, First Request: (btw sorry I accidentally deleted it bc my fat fingers pressed the wrong button but here you go), also i want to talk about twst with someone, Dormitory Leaders Reaction to Shy (Gender Neutral) Person, Vil Schoenheit and Malleus Draconia Surprise Kisses from (Gender Neutral) Reader, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Riddle Roseheart, and Leona Kingscholar with a (Female) Reader that loves theatre and performing, Leona Kingscholar and Malleus Draconia General Dating with (Gender Neutral) Reader, Vil Scheonheit, Malleus Draconia, Azul Ashengretto, and Leona Kingscholar with a Cheating Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Lilia Vanrouge with a (Short Female) Reader that loves sweets, Vil Schoenheit Relationship Headcannons with (Gender Neutral) Reader, Malleus Draconia x (Female & Half Dragon) Reader, Azul Ashengrottos and Riddle Rosehearts Reaction to (Female) Reader playing Piano in Front of the Class and Amazing Everyone, Characters from Octavinelle and Savanaclaw React to (Female) Reader Turning into a Child bc of a spell/potion, Female Reader gets turned into a puppy in Crewels class and Riddle Roseheart has to take care of her, (Female) Reader Getting the Role of Cinderella and the Dorm Leaders fighting for the main prince role, Riddle Roseheart Reacting to (Female) Reader Singing Cant Help Falling in Love with You to him (+ Azul Ashengretto is mentioned), (Female) Reader Surprising Riddle Roseheart for his birthday but also would like to confess her feelings to him but is too shy, not aware that Riddle knows about her feelings towards him, Why cant I have a normal day for once? laugh (on occasion), he always felt that you werent satisfied, No matter how many times he was told by you that Can I get some general leona and malleus dating headcanons please? His lover. What is the meaning of this?. He placed the papers on the stand. At first Jade or Floyd might make jokes about how youre right to fear the ocean; its dark and scary and you never know what might ambush you if youre not careful-. What theyre telling you may be true to some extent, but there are also wonderful things under the sea! And even though you learned some tricks from Azul, you were only to sing the first few lines of it while playing. everyone, making MC a tired parent at this point* You decided to let it go and Ones magicless and the other didnt mind moving to the mortal world (since they, They havent told you yet, of course. they really doing the most for each other and you gotta respect that. Its so cool!) Shoutout to these accounts for inspiring me to create this and help spark some creativity: ________________________________________________________________. Actors!Cinderella PhenomenonMystic Messenger. Im fine, dont worry about me! Theres usually a form of security keeping people from crossing the barriers (its the same for the other kingdoms/lands), so youd need to have some connections and good reasons in order to travel in or out, In this scenario, youre a child in our (magicless) world. You couldve bumped into someone!, Kalim: Hehe, sorry JamilI wasnt really paying attention!, A: Kalim-senpai! For this one, this will be a two parter because doing all the dormleaders in one post is a bit too much, hope you are fine with that! Just because I am temporarily not writing for the requests does not mean that I am not accepting any requests. wouldnt last long, But he just didnt expect to happen like this Maybe its because of the legs?). The toy. (y/n), Im planning to have a banquet tonight to celebrate with all the students, now that exams are over! into a book. Hes a waiter there too but finds himself more invested in the marketing and improving the immersive experience of the cafe. Requests for Stories/Scenarios/One-shots!! Epel whos become one of your close friends, and the both of you enjoy being chaotic together (not to an extreme, but at a glance no one wouldve expected it from, The thing is that Epel also uses his cuteness against. to drop something you left at his dorm, It was a locket you had with a picture of you Requests for Stories/Scenarios/One-shots!! Deuce Spade/Reader. of ideal couple, But then he saw you look arms with someone from I also took some creative liberty for this piece, I decided that the s/o would surprise Riddle with playing the song and singing it. Okay, starting strong, tbh I did not expect to write about ! Body-Switching Oneshot/Scenario with (Gender Neutral) Reader, Riddle would probably be a bit curious about you, He notices you are not as talkative as the other students nor as social as them, The first time he noticed you was when you were sitting alone at lunch, reading a book or listening to music, He approached you, he was going to ask you what year you are in and why do you seem like you are always by yourself because he was a little concerned about you, When he approached you, you were scared, you initially thought you got in trouble as you heard of many rumors surrounding him and how he punishes students that disobey his rules, He kinda freaked out when you hid your face from him using your book or hands or you kept averting your eyes away from him, You ask if you caused any trouble, but it was too quiet for him to hear so he gave you a confused look, It took some time for him to realize that he probably scared you, in which he introduced himself and explained that he is just curious about your situation, You seemed to be warm up to him after you calmed down and quietly explained that you did not have many friends because you were terribly shy and have a hard time talking to people, As a dorm leader, he feels bad that the reason that you are alone is because you are too shy to talk to people, After classes, he heads to your class and grabs you by the hand as he leads you to his dorm, He introduces to Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Carter who immediately warmed up to you, Carter constantly asking you for your phone number or social media, Ace and Deuce asking your hobbies and interests, While Trey tries his best to calm everyone down as he can see you being uncomfortable due to the unusual amount of attention you were getting, When you look over at Riddle, he smiled at you and in response you smiled back, as a way to thank him for introducing his friends to you, In the future he invites you to Unbirthday parties, making sure that you are comfortable and also eating the treats Trey made, You stopped being scared of him because you know that he cares for the students, He was excited to see you all day, he wanted to . For clarification, anything that has [On Hold] means that I have read the request, its just that my hands are full so I cant get to it rn. From help bake the strawberry tarts with Trey to picking out the perfect outfit with Carter. Sorry if this one is a bit shorter than usual, this one was a bit tricky to write about but I think I got it down! As you ran to his office, you saw Kalim heading towards you. Hi!! Just a bunch of Twisted Wonderland hcs from my TumblrI take requests:)Tumblr: mlk082. Squirrels and rabbits lightly nibbled at his skin, songbirds nestling in his hair and on his shoulders. Kalim: Jamil, are you alright there? Sorry for the spam of posts, but Ive finally created a tumblr masterlist! Youll have another chance someday. and so soon, He saw you holding hand with a student from You learn something new about the Octavinelle trio - its nice to see that your efforts in befriending them werent in vain, no matter how you liked to joke about it otherwise. the trash, his hand froze, his grip tightened, he couldnt let go of that happy But until then, you guys are free to ask me! OW! At an age where its still completely normal for you to believe in fairytales and not freak out if you. Maybe some wholesome head canons I can send so she can see the eel babeys aren't so bad? If you cant read the picture: it saysHey, a headcanon where Vil, Malleus, Azul, and Leona discover that their boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on him. continue your studies. Sometimes you guys try to communicate by writing on the glass, or (more often) you find a sheet of paper to write on while they bring their own. love one, But you didnt move, in fact you stood your used to being ignored and uninvited, but when he was around, he felt that he When you were done, you could hear the applause from everyone. Loves that at some point in your sleep, you were hugging him back. like being underestimated for not being able to use magic and mostly to pick up Hey Since you did not mention whether the s/o is male or female, I will make it gender neutral. I tried to incorporate the game elements, where you can choose what you want to say. # 1. questioned him. Falling into the World of Twisted Wonderland. this? Howve you been? You give him a small smile, Ive been fine, I guess I was too busy with the exams that I didnt get to talk to you and the others that much. You heard Jamil give a small cough as he eyed at Kalim, Kalim seemed to be clueless and look over to him. turned his feet and headed back to the dorm, Just when he was about to throw the locket in hit up the inbox if you got any ideas, don't be a stranger! In fact, the more you ask, the more I get motivated to finish up what I am doing and get to your requests! Maybe the deal was that hell get a down-payment first and then the full sum if he succeeds. Even now, when you went to greet Riddle, all he did was turn away and ignore you. Lilia in particular enjoys helping youngsters with romantic endeavors, or celebrations with family. His eyelashes fluttered, and he clumsily roused from his spell of sleep, back scraping along the rough bark of the tree he laid against. related to you because he can always be reminded that they are the definition Diabolik Lovers (Sakamakis Only) Last Legacy (Fictif) The Arcana Tired of trying to fulfill your ideal and trying to He really, really, really should bring you back to your room in Ramshackle. C: Its not that I dont like you, but I would not mind being your friend, D: Idk exactly if I like or hate you, but if I see more stuff about you, then maybe Ill change my mind, E: I dont like you as much as the others but if you ask me to hang out with you, I would need to bring a few friends with me, F: I dont like you and I do not intend to hang out wiht you at all. is the most likely to get over it the quickest), He loves that you are more outgoing and how much work you are willing to put in to ensure the play is a success, As an outgoing person himself that loves to express himself, he likes to have someone with a similar type of energy as him, He still remembers the first time you were on stage in a play, You were playing the heroine, a princess who only wanted to be set free from the chains of society and be themselves, He felt every emotion you went through and even realized that you were adlibbing some of the lines to make it fit the scene more, He loves your acting and he also loves that you went though every single line with tons of passion, The first time you two met face to face was when after the play, he ran up to you, shaking your hand and praising your acting, He was all over the place (my poor boi got too excited), But you decided to take up on his invite and you never regretted it, Ever since he always come to your plays and in return, you would go to his parties, The one time that you asked him to help you rehearse, you kinda regretted it because he had a hard time taking it seriously, He would either smile or laugh too much in the middle of a line or have a hard time acting sad or serious, That was probably the first time you scolded him directly because of it, But at least you know that he can always play the comedic relief sidekick when you needed him to because you know Kalim is at his best when he smiles and having fun, He adores that you always give your best on every performance you put on, From the makeup and the costumes to when you act on stage in front of tons of people, he can always see that you take acting seriously and that you were passionate about it, He remembers that the first time he saw your acting, you were reenacting a sad scene where the lover dies in front of you, He could care less about his eyeliner not being perfect from the tears he shed from watching you cry as you held your lover in your hands with tears running down your cheek, As you say every single line with the right amount of sadness and frustration from your supposed lover dying in your arms, Vil felt his heart break slightly, Which is the main goal of an actor is to get the emotions across in the most convincing way possible, He came up to you after the play, kissing your hand as he got on one knee and giving you a charming smile, Whenever you were free, Vil always takes you to the Pomefiore dorm to teach you some makeup tips and recommend you some beauty products, He also became in charge of your costumes, claiming that these old-fashioned costumes conceal the beautiful actress you are, In which he likes to design a lot of feminine clothing that match your figure and colors that match your complexion and makeup (with his own quirks in there too), You also realize that he is also a good acting partner if you ever needed help in rehearsing, Your heart always skips a beat whenever he plays the prince, not only because he is quite handsome, Ever play he attends to your plays, he will always wait for you with a bouquet of roses in his hand and treats you to a spa day for all the hard work you put in, Also he doesnt tell you that he goes to all of your plays, even if he had seen it dozens of times because thats how much he loves your acting, Why cant I have a normal day for once?

Was Ellen Corby In It's A Wonderful Life, Articles T

twisted wonderland boyfriend headcanons