prophecy of tsunami on east coast

If an evac alert goes out, you wont have time to pack or get gas. Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America - Im referring to towns anywhere from 60 to 90 miles north like Newburgh, Poughkeepsie and Kingston. Is there prophecy of a Mega-Tsunami hitting USA? I was wondering the same thing. Civilization would be knocked back to hunter-gather levels for most survivors, and how many of them will know how to find food in devastated conditions with a new latitude and new climate? There have been relatively few geologic events in the last few thousand years, there in the past have been huge shifts in the earths crust. Thats it. One more thing.. I would be doing that asap or you can sit around, do nothing, and take your chances. My coworker is from Philippines and there community is telling each other to take there money out of the 401k now and shes warning me of everthing that they are saying in there community. Tsunami East Coast Dream September 20, 2021 5:00 PM Robyn Ward In 2018 I had a dream that I was on the East Coast at an amusement park. Theres not one answer. My instinct tells me that the effects would be muted well before then. If you are talking Charlotte or anywhere in the Piedmont area, Ive seen models Charlotte being covered in water. As if devastating water isnt enough to worry about. They are about 20 miles inland from the coast, but they also have the New River that runs from the ocean up into that city. While it is a known fact all governments and scientific fields of research have gone a different direction in this field, such as ring proton and neutron, They have floundered with the actual energy we need, I agree that something is up and that something is not going to be nice. I live in Daytona Beach.yikes! I can fully be at peace no fear what tomorrow will bring because I have trust my life with my Lord, Jesus that He will take good care of me on earth or in the Heaven! The Mountains there might stop you?!!! If it was conventional explosives, quite a lot could be loaded into a submersible While many of those who have seen this, either in dreams or visions, declare that it will be literal, it could possibly also be symbolic. There would be tensions between the locals and the refugees over resources, land, and values (locales socially conservative) (refugees socially liberal mainly).The economic trouble afterwards would be really bad. created by a passing orbit of Planet X. I understand this thing is much larger than our planet and is dragging several moons, along with meteors in its tail. Base or Treble: Earthquakes, Liquids, Solids, and Cymatics. Off by one year. The long Island Sound, the Bronx River, and The Hutchinson River. Anyone that doesnt believe in God will believe in God after this event because God told Efrain to warn the people of this event soon to come .Get your lives right with the Lord. It would take an asteroid the size of Manhattan Island to generate such a ridiculous wave. Lets get real folks the guy is a scammer. Plus, Jesus loves me. A landslide at the Cumbre Vieja volcano could spark a devastating tsunami. The North pole has already been moving. Maybe we can some way funnel the power and destruction into the DC area and save the rest of America? I live in Hinesville Ga. by fort Stewart, is this far enough inland in a worst case senerio? A general recommendation (for anyone) is to get a weather radio (public alert radio) because in addition to weather events, you will be alerted to a tsunami event too. The key is to prepare for the unknow. 2 0 obj Consider that (even at low elevation) each foot of land that a wave travels across absorbs energy. Regards to diana.. Earthquakes started 2 days ago but on pacific coast. I moved to North Florida months ago and with sound advanced warning, I think I will be able to get out more safely and quickly than say if I still lived in Sarasota where I came from. Sort of like predicting the earthquake in Tenn. Or the Yellowstone Volcano eruption. luv you all, Peace and happiness. The prevailing theory from the 70s have been that an volcano eruption (and related earthquakes) in the Canary Islands will produced a tsunami that will travel to the east coast with a 100 foot wave. Fake and misleading social media posts about a megatsunami possibly hitting the East Coast popped up Sunday after a volcanic eruption in the. the list of cities is down in the reading. Apologies if this was already answered as it was easier for me to just write this than to search to see if someone had already inquired about minimum safety height from a tsunami. What if this, What if that? Its one of those natural disasters that are quite unlikely at any given moment. Thats my opinion. If the tsunami did hit, what would be the potential result for areas directly north of New York City along the Hudson River? Multiply that by I dont even know. Seems like we are getting closer than ever to some kind of event. While you might have a higher chance of acquiring marine life as a food source, salt, temperate weather, almost no freezing issues, on the minus side there are so many as to be innumerable. That Volcano on La Palma is ERUPTING NOW!!! Focus on bettering yourselves and your family, and control what you can. Tsunami to hit Australia There is no getting out once people starting freaking out. Tsunami travel times from La Palma to North America. Tsunami Coming to the East Coast of the United States. I looked around the terrain & even though I had never been there I knew this was Hawaii or one of its islands. Tsunami Vision Prophecy Alert: U.s. East Coast in Massive Danger As La My pastor said he had,a vision a month ago about a giant wall of water coming. I saw nearly all of FL underwater. We will stay and leave the highways and byways for those younger than us to have a chance to escape. I think I am ok. Would my family be safe in atlanta georgia or gwinnett. If Florida doesnt sink (from lower height and weaker waves), theres a possibility that the water might recede, but think about what will be left; stinking bodies, debris, water logged buildings, skyscrapers, homes, etc. I live in Greenville NC about 70 miles inland and about 375 elevation. Hi its me again I looked at the map and seen where all nuclear power plants are on the east coast and they can not stand up to a tsunami and when they release radioactive mater in the air which way is the wind blowing and the ocean water flowing?Now all the oil refineries on the coast all the oil and fuel washed on land and out to the sea where will it go? Ken I live just south of Houston in Pasadena. still waiting whats the updated date of destruction?? Only if you get rid of your moonshine stil. As far as south Florida goes, arent you forgetting the Bahama bank and the Bahama islands? I also understand that Mt. If this were to happen and it be the absolute worst case scenario, we live in Athens, Ga and my parents in Loganville, Ga. would you recommend evacuation? Im only about 10 minutes from the Chesapeake Bay bridge so I could head west pretty quickly. Red and blue contours cover elevated and depressed regions of the ocean respectively and the yellow dots and numbers sample the wave height, positive or negative, in meters. Thats close enough for horseshoes. Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! If the canary islands collapse, youll have a 5hr notice minimum. That being said I live in New Haven, CT; which according to your model is screwed. And Im 100% serious about buying homes in/around Tampa. It doesnt matter if you can swim or not. Dr Owuor's Tsunami Prophecy for Australia - Godlike Productions We need to prepare now. SMH. It would take a wave from a meteor impact less an 70 minutes to propagate from there to inland Florida. Dont know about how soon but 100 ft wave incoming will travel several miles, unless the rim of rock/soil/ debris blocking it is very high. My entire life I have dreamed of being killed by a giant wave. Will La Palma Volcanic Eruption Cause Mega-Tsunami on U.S. East Coast They also put a lot of messages in movies, comic books, and TV shows before 9/11! Was not on your list. Also look at a map and see how the coastline curves along east coast, this will concentrate the effects of a wave. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.,¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. Would we be safe in Parkchester, Bronx? Shows. I have had many dream in recent months where I was going from door to tell telling people to stack up on water, non perishable food, flash lights and candles. Because the elites are buying all of their products and putting them in their bunkers! As afraid as I was of dying & the lava. and the several other fault lines down that river and in north west Tn. We will combine ocean scale simulations of transoceanic tsunami sources, such as Lisbon 1755 like or Puerto Rico Trench co-seismic events, and CVV collapse, with regional . And if this tsunami were to take place, these people and their property would be devastated. That is in a very highly controlled area, which is completely different than a tsunami that is not only caused by a volcano, as well as rock slide, but that it is also in a much more open area than that landslide. Are areas in northern VA safe ? Essentially a delta area, there are no rock outcroppings to afford safety from tidal waves that will strike the coastline at a height of 500-600 feet, diminishing only well inland to an average wash over the state of 100 feet above sea level. After watching the extended cut of The Abyss, that image of a massive Tsunami would be both awesome, and horrifying to witness. Tsunami Over USA East Coast Caroline Diadem 6.38K subscribers Subscribe 428 Share 4.8K views 7 months ago In 2016 I saw a huge tsunami hit the USA east coast and I saw a huge army. All of you people claiming this is going to happen, that is going to happen month after month, year after year, and nothing? When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. Would like to hear more about this dream, and specifics on what you saw in Hawaii (why were you there in this dream if you have never been there before)??? Land,the size of 1500 miles; 300-400 feet wide would slide into the ocean. Best advice I can with you. What then? Thank you! I live on the Space Coast of Florida. They will all be washed out to sea. Appalachian Mtns should be safe area. This vision is not for those in the first fruits remnant so . Beg you to move above 300 feet elevation, and why delay? Your family are not replaceable. I would imagine Waltham would see some damage but not total destruction. That, plus a huge, miles long fissure thats been there for quite some time, which is now of great concern. Im at 2250 elevation in the North Georgia mountains so if I see any boats or cars floating through the valley 98% of Georgia will have become a prime fishing or scuba diving spot. What are your thoughts? Head to the western side of the east coast mountains or die pick one. Think positive! La Palma Mega tsunami - Strange Sounds - Amazing phenomena around the world Once they institute Martial Law, as the Bad Weather used as the Ploy, it will be too late too really do anything. What is your opinion if you are 10 miles west of Phila? If a tsunami is going to hit here, this sort of dream/vision/prophecy activity is exactly what we should expect, for the Bible . I know this is an old page but has anyone thought about if the powers that be decide to detonate a nasty boom off the east coast, like some people think was the case of fukuif itll be bigger and far more powerful than people think? Thats the area thats been speculated might drop into the sea someday. The article was written as a heads-up that it could happen, given the Canary Islands history. NO fresh water fish can survive in salt water. We are in Fayetteville N.C and with the Cape Fear River here, a tsunami would definitely add energy with the rover and I think the sandhills would be underwater quite a bit. Unlike Sandy and Katrina there would be no rebuilding! Too old to run from a Tsunami, we evacuated for Florence and decided we would never leave again. THERE IS GOING TO BE A 1000 FOOT WAVE AS THE RESULT OF AN EARTHQUAKE OFF THE COAST OF PUERTO RICO. The Ring of Fire is extremely active and Cascadia Fault has recently had a doozy of a quake. Sadly, yes, the world and, in particular, the East Coast of the USA, is still under this mega-tsunami danger caused by the erupting volcano on La Palma island (Canary Islands). Is the city itself a bigger worry than the suburbs for water? You dont have time to react. You could be right Live. Ohhh and look up Illuminati card game! I remember the front of the house that faced the water was all huge glass windows. When we reached the summit of the peak & awaited our fate. As I descended I saw the hem of his garment and I wondered what was the vision about and the meaning of it, when I heard a voice saying: Prepare to leave and after I heard the voice saying that the dream ended. Also I saw a map that this will effect the southeast portion of Tx too. I cant see an event in the mid-Atlantic affecting the Pacific NW to any great degree. Im about 120 miles away in the foothills, but have a lot of family along the California coastlines. By the way, A La Palma eruption is over due. I read that the Fault is over 700 and one article states over 800 miles long. Being aware of your own geographical risks is the first step recognizing that there IS as risk. I recently had a dream and in it Jesus directing a lot of people to a mountain top. Tsunami hitting the East Coast Sep 29, 2018 Handmaid of the Most High In May 2016, I had the vision of Tsunami hitting the East Coast. Did they find a sale on Halloween Candy and had a sugar rush or what? But this article and watching the footage of people stranded on the hospital roof in Minamisanriku, is going to motivate me to make an emergency backpack for any disaster that may strike. Many prophecy watchers, including myself, are convinced that a tsunami is likely for the East Coast USA sometime in the future. put your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye. please tell me, Ive got my popcorn and everything. I do believe Isaiah 24:3 is describing the rapture, the looting of the earth as God takes what is His. I understand and fully believe God is in control and nothing happens that he doesnt allow. The distance inland depends on the depth (not the height) of the wave, the reason behind it, and the terrain of the land. Sometimes i see a giant wave. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. Why am I not hearing anything about this on the news??? dont wait for a warning from the news! Because Hes given us MANY warnings, and America is playing God, and Hes coming back soon! We would almost totally get wiped off the map butyou didnt even bother to mention us ON the map, so I guess one of the most densely populated states just doesnt matter that much. I am reading up to 20 miles. While the tsunami would be higher than any elevation in Florida, that volcano would not produce enough energy to sustain the wave much farther than 20 miles inland. I have family there and given the panic that will unfold once the warnings get out I dont think I will be getting much further than that. Also, some of these prophecies may not have a literal fulfillment in the form of an actual tsunami. A Mega-Tsunami Is Coming; Can the East Coast Even Prepare? Though the further inland, better odds. It would not be a fun time thats for sure. There is no doubt in my mind this was Hawaii. Tsunami effects were measured in Antarctica, on the west coasts of India and of Vancouver Island, South America, and in coastal East and South Africa. Im not able to relocate so I either need beer and a surfboard or a bug out barrel (saw an article). For those who are offended that is not my point. However, i have an aunt who lives in Watertown, MA near Boston. Before or after this calamity.. it is my opinion, if the calamity happens first, it will give a small window of time to witness to unbelievers.. but we dont know Gods mind, so that is why today is the day of salvation, today is the time to believe and repent, and start living for The Lord. Depends on the height of the wave and how fast that mass of land plunks into the ocean, but from what Ive read, anything near 75 feet high or more, all of Floridas goneunder water. The problem is that river that goes right throught it. With axis shift at every major quake, and pole reversal which has already begun, its not the CO2, people. No 6 hour warning. Submarine launched cruise missiles along the coast, 10 minute warning. So with enough common sense they will get to higher ground as soon as possible to avoid any future disappointments and catastrophes. The second one would require some leadership so it cant be done under the present bozo leaders. I could be wrong, but tell me your thoughts please. Refugees suffer, get robbed by Gimmie Dats and die. NONE, let me repeat thatin all caps NONE of FLORIDA will be safe. We are quite a ways inland from the ocean, but this is a pretty big river. @WalkByFaith research the 1958 Lituya bay Mega tsunami. Now i had two dreams. Still though there would be many horrors awaiting in the aftermath. So disappointed! If we are in the East Coast where are we suppose to go? Wouldnt it be better to sit down and strategically look at that kind of data and pray about it as a couple, then to ask strangers to intervene to determine who is right and who is wrong? Are there more numbers on the boxes that I missed? Great article, your simulations are really impressive! Killing off the Canary Islands landslide megatsunami scare There are maps on the Internet that show population density. Only one answerget right with God the Father ! An earthquake would propagate through land, dissipating some energy into the atmosphere, yet retaining the bulk of its energy through the more conductive matter of the crust or mantle and following the path of least resistance in every regard (its motions, directions, dissipation, etc.). Also, the maps indicated here are purely elevation maps. With another severe earthquake there, you could indeed see a fast tsunami travel across the Atlantic Ocean into your East Coast. GOOD-LUCK. Basically people dont want to MOVE, b/c they dont see it as SIMPLE. If the website is not updating, clear your web browser cache. Good info, we always talked about whether a tsunami would reach us. Hope it helps. There is a lot of Smart People from NASA, Scientist, and other sources putting out this Info if you look, Read, Listen. Florida is 361 miles wide and 447 miles long. I used to live in Brooklyn and got out of the city, thank God. Not really. However, we also know that the 3D soundwave is not a single pure vibration, rather, most typically, a series (symphony) of vibrations about the z-axis that wrap themselves and spin/corkscrew about the skeletal body moving about the x and y axis (arbitrary, yet crucial to define and keep consistent). On the night of May 17, 2016, I had a dream/night vision in which I was shown the tsunami that will strike the West coast of the US, as a judgment from Father on the United States.It was very short, but very clear. I grabbed her hand and said , Dont be afraid, I will see you in a couple of minutes( meaning I would see her when we crossed over). looking back on my life i can see Gods hand on my shoulder guiding me to where i am today. The solution is simpleslaughter the unrepentant, wicked, and Satan worshiping Luciferian globalist elite and their guards and get their property. I seen that too omg this makes me nervous and sick. The coming destruction is written about in Isaiah 24. While the St. Lawrence River is a funnel from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, it appears that the only real opening from the Atlantic is about 50 miles across to the Gulf, which would then have to hang a left down the St. Lawrence, and then were looking at hundreds of miles to Lake Ontario. Is that area safe? I also wonder what effect the continental shelf will have.. Please pray for me as I make this difficult decision as I pray ALL Christians see the light. Also beware that the west coast of florida can get walloped just as hard as east coast due to wrap around effect so dont make mistake of going to west coast and sun yourself on the beach.. Just remember all of us that came to Florida came here to dieso be it 50 years, 50 days or 50 Hours It matters notThe weather has been better here long enough to be worth it. If not be prepared to give your life because when this flood comes in, it's going to reach the Appalachian Mountains but it won't cross it." ~~~~~ Warning Dream of Tsunami to Kill 22 Million Answer: According to this very old simulation found on youtube the north and New York could be hit with 30 meter tall waves of water making landfall within 9 hours . Read more Print length 211 pages Language English Publication date July 23, 2020 Dimensions 6 x 0.48 x 9 inches ISBN-13 So many people dont realize that theyre not gonna be able to Uber or App or Amazon their way through the aftermath, smh. We are mountainous up here in New England and the effects would be mostly immediate coastal and river edges with water funneling in to low resistance areas leaving houses way up high unscathed 10 miles inland.The hills like the breakwaters in Japan (although all breached even the 45 ft fudai tsunami wall at 60ft were the village survived) will lessen the impact. Well it is 9/19/21 and there is major activity in the Canary Islands. (LogOut/ In times such as these (2020 to present) Gods presence is the one constant. Volcanic islands and volcanoes on land frequently undergo large landslides/collapses, which have been documented in Hawaii for example. The biggest problem will be surviving the aftermath even if you are lucky enough to survive it.. hi, im a high school student in my final years i am doing a physic assignment i need to know how you calculated the distance a tsunami travel in land please if you could tell me. Think about military lingo for railways: Second Dimension Surface Transport Logistics Platform, unfortunately no one in FLORIDA is safe. Good Luck, Yes, theres a couple scenarios possible. On one same wreck, at another time, there was a four foot wave on the surface but it its lower orbital aspect was thrashing me back and forth at 110 ft. What that means is that the wave REALLY wanted to be deeper, (probably another 10-20 ft) but its forward movement was impacting the sand and I was caught in the surge. Surfs up bro! Im in the NC piedmont, just east of Charlotte about 120 miles inland. The Savannah River runs on the North Side of Savannah which sits low and would act like a large petrie dish (Kind of like New Orleans in Katrina). What about the Pacific Ocean ? If you have ANY doubt then move!!! Ken explained the maps were topographical, not predictive. Prophetic Warning to Northeast U.S.A. January 27, 2016 Prophet Ken Dewey A prophetic warning to New York City, East Coast [New Jersey Coast Line] and Washington, DC areas. I will Pray for you all. or can moderators kindly pass my e-mail to Anonymous. I saw the Lord weeping over the globe not wanting to allow this, but. Its all about energy. @ Melissa, 20 miles is a long way Now if you were five miles, thats most likely another story.

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prophecy of tsunami on east coast