captain marvel monologue

Minn-Erva: They got in her head. The android Captain Marvel's powers were among the worst in comics history. I'm sorry, I know you mean well. Maria Rambeau: Nick Fury: While she is flipping through the file, she stops at an image of Dr. Lawson, Maria, a pilot and herself in the background], [A flashback then starts. CVers: I don't remember my past. Maria: Since it violates the pre-determined rules of engagement. The stares, the judgement, and there's nothing I can do to change it, yet I'm still here. Arrgh! Nick Fury: I am Iron Man". Goose jumps onto the reactor and scratches the Tesseract, intrigued by the bright light. Blue blood running through my veins. Nick Fury: Cool name for a cool cat. He's the best guy and he's awesome," Rudd said. Biker (The Don): But I'm sure that you understand, I had to take some precautions. We found her and we weren't even looking. Vers: Name a detail so bizarre a Skrull could never fabricate it. That was a close call, huh, Goosey? We've got to get to the core before he does. Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: And you're gonna give it up to sit on the couch and watch Fresh Prince with me? But, now you're saying she's from another planet. Carol Danvers: But you won't succeed in changing the subject. These were big, interesting stories and yet here was someone who seemed powerful enough to. Got to watch an alien autopsy. Dr. Lawson speaks to Vers and Maria while the two pilots admire the plane]. Hold on! Talos: Follow my lead. Second later, the pager turns off. Nick Fury: You're saying he's not from around here? Let me get my fingerprint out. [Once Fury's gone, Vers reaches into the pile of file's in Fury's box and reads the testimonial and crash report. Umm, I'm still here at the Blockbuster and where did everybody go? Director: I want to question her alone. Get that thing away! Fine. Is that why we never hung out? Reason number 1 for not targeting Captain Marvel with energy attacks. Eventually, Yon-Rogg pins Carol to the wall with a mountain of metal from the walkway. For the good of all Kree! Vers: I see flashes. Skrull Scientist: This doesn't make any sense. [Biker grunts in pain as he hands Vers the keys to his motorcycle], [Biker gives Vers his jacket before running into the store. No one can look upon the Supreme Intelligence in its true form. [Monica shows Vers a photo of a young Vers standing next to her father]. What do you want? [The elevator buzzes and the doors open. Carol Danvers: Supreme Intelligence: Then master yourself; what was given can be taken away. captain marvel monologue | Promo Tim Supreme Intelligence: Your commander insists that you're fit to serve. It is very dramatic and manipulative sounding, similar to listening to tales from a snake oil salesman. Maria puts the CD in the computer tower and the computer begins loading the tape. Carol Danvers: Maria: You woke me up, banging on my door at dawn. You got a big decision to make. Fury drops Goose], [Surprised look on Fury and Maria's faces]. That code was buried in his unconscious. Supreme Intelligence: You are just one victim of the Skrull expansion that has threatened our civilisation for centuries. Fury's car continues to follow the train track, barely avoiding the carnage being thrown off the roof by Vers and the Skrull]. Vers: Mar-Vell is who I see in the Supreme Intelligence. Carol: I used to believe your lies. Get her back. Director: Now you know, I don't really need these to see (holding up his glasses which were knocked off during the fight). Carol Danvers : You're right. Maria Rambeau starts the ship and leaves the Laboratory with the Skrulls and Nick Fury.]. Supreme Intelligence: Without us you're only human. [Vers begins to walk through an aisle, looking at the movies on the shelf], [Vers stops, picks up a movie and reads the summary. This jacket? Carol Danvers: We've given you a great gift. Who supported me as a mother and a pilot when no one else did. So a full-bred colonel turned spy turned SHIELD agent must have pretty high-security clearance. The machine that they used, I think it was how they extracted Soh-Larr's code. [teasing] That's why security here is so unfriendly. Do you just turn into anything you want? Meanwhile Minn-Erva continues to chase down the Skrulls, as the two spaceships enter a canyon. Prove you'renot a Skrull. And everything we're after [A Skrull taps Vers in the center of her forehead, which changes an image on a screen]. I've got a proposition for you. Vers, with her gun drawn, slowly walks towards the plane]. Just like we thought. And the woman said that there were more? [Vers speeds up but crashes into the hay outlining the track. Carol Danvers: Wendy Lawson: You'll get there soon enough General Talos (voiceover): What's that on her shirt? I think I got it. Maria Rambeau: Monica: Aunty Carol? Yon-Rogg struggles to stand up, and watches Vers from his seated position. Maria Rambeau: She was here on C-53 and died in a plane crash. Talos: [Carol tries to light up her fists but they just spark uselessly before eventually dying out. [Wendy and Vers turn to look at the airplanes which are taking off and landing]. Thanks to you, those insidious shapeshifters will threaten our borders no more. My life. As a result of me punching you in the face." Big hero moment. When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one. You think I'm one of those green things. Korath: It must be another Skrull attack. That's a Flerken. Vers looks around, remembering the vision from the Skrull interrogation of her and Maria inside the bar. Supreme Intelligence: How long you plan to be in town? You know, you really shouldn't have that thing on your lap. Okay? "He's doing well. Yon-Rogg: The ship containing Vers, Yon-Rogg and the other Kree follows after the missiles and crash lands in the sea. Vers has just regained movement, however, Soh-Larr has transformed into Skrull General Talos.]. There's no such thing. Security Checkpoint: This is a government property, turn your vehicle around. The Accusers will bomb a Skrull stronghold here in the south. There's only so much I'm cleared to tell you Vers, but [looks to see no one is looking] Lawson was an undercover Kree operative named Mar-Vell. [ Vers' fist returns to normal] He might not be the strongest Avenger. You know anything about a lady blowing up a Blockbuster? Fury: Oh. I noted that peculiar bird you got parked by the road, and I was just wondering if you'd mind if I bring the boys over to get a closer looksie? I see flashes. [During this monologue, the Director advances towards Fury, who is lying on his back in defeat. It's all blank. Talos: Stop using this. Nick Fury: Keller: Monica: They can stay here with us, can't they, Mom? You've been caught once already. Supreme Intelligence: [The scene changes to the view through Minn-Erva's gun. Set within the confines of a British Army disciplinry camp at the conclusion of World War II, the 1965 prison drama The Hill tells the story of five soldiers convicted of various . Lawson is our link to that lightspeed engine! Captain Marvel Granted incredible abilities when her body was infused with powers from an intergalactic race known as the Kree, Carol Danvers transformed from simply a brilliant Air Force pilot into one of the most powerful heroes in the universe. Dammit, Goose. Talos jerks backward in his seat) like that, yeah I'm gonna keep giving him all the love and hugs he needs, right? | The franchise is produced by Marvel Studios. A biker comes along and parks next to where Vers is standing], [The biker revs his engine, causing Vers to look towards him before looking back at her map]. Come on, Ace. Yon-Rogg: Skrull ambush. And so, little Alouette flew up throughout the night. Once they all pass through the jump hole, the scene changes to show the ships leaving the hole, surrounded by empty space and approaching the planet Torfa. You know, like the Marvelettes? Nick Fury: This is a dangerous mission. [Lawson sits up and attempts to shoot the plane, but she is shot through the heart by an attacker from the other ship. Huntsville, Alabama. [Static noise is heard coming from Yon-Rogg's earwig], [Static noise is heard coming from Yon-Rogg's earwig.]. Seems like your time on C-53 jogged the old memory. [Carol reaches out and grabs the Tesseract from its position in the reactor. Fury: Yeah. That system is fallible, as we've learned. Maria: I'll consider it. Typical 9-to-5. You are Carol Danvers. Belgrade. Vers: This is gonna get a little awkward but I gotta ask. That's what makes Steve stand out among the rest of the powerful people. If she gets America's power, she could enslave the entire Multiverse ." Vers approaches Maria carefully, almost unsure of what to say or do. It's me you see, isn't it? (Fury looks towards Vers accusingly), [Vers stand up and walks towards the stove, where a pot of unboiled water sits on the stove. That would really complicate the situation. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Nick Fury: It's two words. (Carol looks at the jacket sitting in Monica's lap. I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face. Carol: You won't be empty-handed. Supreme Intelligence: Perhaps this is a mercy, sparing you from a deeper pain. Does it say anything about me? Nick Fury: ], [The scene changes back to Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char surrounded by the locals], [One of the locals draws a Skrull weapon before being shot by Minn-Erva. What do I understand now? Soren: Your science guy. You know you're glowing, right? [Fury looks through Carol's file and finds out that she was nicknamed "Avenger". The Doc was always unique. Wendy Lawson: Ah. It's a nerve-wracking experience and you want to walk into . #25's Monologue from The Wolves including context, text and video example. Carol Danvers: Vers walks onto the hexagon and extends her arms beside her. And what's your name, huh? Reboot it. "Oh, this is much better. They then charge towards Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char and begin a firefight. SHIELD could always use a good pilot like you. You're under arrest. I've got to admit, that's not the craziest thing I've heard today. Jude Law Does His Best Captain Hook in Trailer for Disney's Peter Pan and Wendy: Watch . Maria: Whoa. She looks at the passengers and notices someone reading the script to Mallrats]. Keller: [at the door] Yon-Rogg walks towards Carol and throws Goose along the floor towards her. I found evidence that I had a life here. Talos: I know I don't deserve your trust but you were our only lead. Yow! Carol Danvers: MarvelVision: What If? Season 1, Episode 1 - What If Captain Carter She is revealed to be Talos' wife, Soren] Monica: You have the chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions. Take it! But the Skrulls are just fighting for a home. General Talos finds a young women surfing, and changes into her]. Steve: I thought we bypassed the battery. Humor is a distraction. Captain Marvel | Disney Movies The lights suddenly turn on and a team of agents runs towards the can. Carol Danvers: And you are the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire from your fist. He takes a piece of sticky tape, presses it against his badge before walking across the room and placing it on the scanner. In addition to the other photos, there is one of her Air Force graduation, one of her squadron standing in front of a plane, one of her and Monica carving a pumpkin and another of Vers dressed as Janis Joplin]. Vers: Ha. Vers continues looking through the pictures before she comes across her old dog tag, which has been burnt]. Who's a good kitty Goose? Yon-Rogg: Who do I see when I commune with the Supreme Intelligence? Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): [Yon-Rogg begins walking away before stopping and turning around], [Before the Skrull can answer, Yon-Rogg shoots him. No. Sound familiar? Nick Fury: Talos: That's not a cat. Now the handful of us that are left, will be slaughtered nextunless you will help me finish what Mar-Vell started. Supreme Intelligence: Not this guy. Proceed with caution. I just wanna talk. The blast did. We must all be ready to join the Collective if that is our fate today. Carol Danvers: Nick Fury: You wanted to race to base in your old Mustang, and I wasn't about to argue 'cause I knew my Camaro would dominate. Carol Danvers: [The spaceships deploy several drones which start shooting at Carol. I'm gonna end it. It's killer by the way. What's given can be taken away. Yeah. To stop the Skrulls before they become unstoppable. Stan Lee: Fury: Well, is it in front of all that nothing, or behind it? She lights up her fists, preparing to fire, but Yon-Rogg drops the ship, catching her by surprise. Supreme Intelligence: With what exactly? You're supposed to take the form of who I most admire, but I don't even remember who this person was to me. [The scene then changes to Vers and Yon-Rogg inside of a train carrage, surrounded by other Kree]. Carol Danvers: Last time we talked, I ended up hanging from my ankles. You know that. Carol Danvers: The bartender then walks away confused]. Carol and Maria's hair begins floating along with a few pens from the console between their seats. Huh? Director: The woman said that there were more? Nick Fury: Species: Flerken. (Carol opens the lunchbox to reveal the Tesseract glowing inside) Take the Tesseract, leaving the lunchbox. Don't you think? Witness says she was dressed for laser tag. May 13, 2016 - This is probably one of the most beautiful things ever written/said by a character in the MCU. But strength is no use against me hex power. [takes Danvers' hand to shake it]. You know anything about a lady blowing a hole through the roof of that Blockbuster over there? Vers: Oh. She looks around and sees the Skrull assuming its true form], [The scene changes to the outside of a barn, with Monica sitting outside on the bench and Maria trying to stop her from coming inside], [Monica puts earplugs in her ears and Maria walks inside, revealing a study. Whatever he runs on, it's not on the periodic table. "WandaVision" star Teyonah Parris will appear as Monica Rambeau in the film. Fury steps off and walks away while the Director stays in the elevator. Turn off the light show, and prove, prove to me, you can beat me without [Carol shoots Yon-Rogg with a small blast, which sends him flying backwards and hits a rock. Grunge is a good look for you. Captain Marvel (Movie, 2019) Trailer, Release - Marvel Entertainment Vers: No. I'd like to ask you some questions. [The camera spins to change from a scene of Vers flying to a scene of 11-year old Vers driving around a go-kart track at a fair.]. Supreme Intelligence: Very brief recap. You'll use it to destroy us. Carol Danvers: [Vers turns around to see Wendy standing behind her]. Lawson: You remember what I said about our work here? Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. The computer shows different images from her interrogation before it sparks and Vers removes the USB. Imposters who silently infiltrate then take over our planets. Fury: She's co-operating with the investigation sir. Carol Danvers: Vers: Yes, ma'am. Many a fortnight have passed . Did you have a rough day, Agent Fury? Outside the window, Earth can be seen with other planes flying around it]. Fury: It's cool. Do it alone, though. It's hard for me to say goodbye, too. I mean, you're my science guy, right? Tied my boss up, stole his identity. We saved you. Carol Danvers: The chance to fight for the good of all Kree. Talos: Carol, this is war. Carol: Just so I'm clear, you were Soh-Larr, and the SHIELD agent? Keller: Category:Wanda Maximoff (Earth-616)/Quotes - Marvel Database It's not showing up on my radar. Carol: The transfusion. I don't even know what. Fury is leaning forward, placing his elbows on his knees while Vers is leaning back against the wall with her arms crossed.]. Monica: Why? Look at you. We'll talk through the thing. [Both Fury and Goose turn to look at Vers.

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captain marvel monologue