it's been 9 months since you passed away

But it cant make the feelings and emotions go away all together. I found him within seconds. We loved, lived and laughed lots.. God bless you all. I am struggling with the grieving process and know it will only be worse when my parents pass. But I wish he will come back . Though there is one other Uncle, brother of my Mums, he lives in rural Ireland, only has a land line phone, has ongoing mental health conditions. Boys seeing so sad. I was her carer at home till she passed away and now I am broken hearted and dont know what to do. I am ready to lie in bed until I am gone. I feel so selfish posting after reading these. Im carrying my grief alone, with friends that will never understand the pain, and a sister that is suffering just as much as me. The day before my birthday. We try to support each other. The emotions ambush when I least expect it. You are forever alive in my heart. Its so unnatural and wrong. Early in 2011, I lost my little brother(31), and a beloved co-worker/friend, and my mother-in-law within 1 1/2 months. Especially when retirement is in the near future. I went home with a really heavy chest, I cant wait to tell him in the morning (son used to go to our bedroom and hug him good morning and an I love you dad). not ever! I find hard to go on with life. I feel I am grieving harder now then the first year after he died. Im basically still just going through the motions, something in my soul cracked this year when i lost them. I Sang to him while he was there passing. A week later he was so weak he was hospitalized then sent to hospice and then he was gone. We are devastated. Not forgetting, blending them together. I lost my husband 2 years ago. Everything reminds me of him and I find myself distancing myself from people and things that were familiar to us both. . It was more than a human can handle but. It's the kind of heartache you can feel in your bones. I feel isolated. Trying anything and everything. I lost my wife of 40 years five months ago today. Dr was right December 10, 2016 he passed. I dont know exactly. Hello Robert. It was a privilege to have caught a cracking beautiful ladys eye. In February of last year, my Father passed away from pancreatic cancer. I lost my forever unexpectedly 19 month ago, after 32 years of marriage. At night I look at the sky and make a wish on the brightest star I see, believing it is you. Feeling lost and lonely, my upbringing makes me believe religiously, however I do have doubts, mainly feeling as if I was robbed (which I think is me being selfish). Early on I dehydrated terribly and could not think clearly at all. I am at peace with him being gone, I just miss him like none other. From year 2 until now, its not the memories anymore; its the loneliness, the silence, the emptiness Since then, I have no clue or direction with what to do with my life. Lots of noise. He was losing weight so we went to the doctor on Friday they did a CAT scan the doctor came back in with the results said he was full of cancer and all of his organs all of his main organs . The first year was so very painful that I couldnt even bare having the dog around that he loved so much, that I gave him away. Ive hardened, refusing to be let hurt again. Twenty eight years of marriage was not enough. All Im asking is live for the love of your husband his memory lives on in you and your children, I dont really think your husband would want you to do this to your children. Most I am more alone in Han ever except for me little gang of adorable dogs. See more ideas about grief quotes, grieving quotes, miss you dad. With what I took, it should have been my time. As I saw him as a father, I now, looking back, think I was rather selfish and am full of remorse. That loss, and pain will ease, and of course we break down and cry. This is my second year without my husband of 15 years. I had been planning to visit him, when his death happened, was telling myself to write more as he wasnt online, he used to write lengthy notes on Christmas & birthday cards. You need to feel the pain and work through it! When I met her she had 5 Children then we had a Son together, and 3 are still home with me and it just seems that sometimes it wont get better. And I mean nothing makes me happy anymore. I hope they never have to know what its like to have a melt down over changing a light bulb or finding ants in the kitchen. This thread started an hour after and on the day my wife Shellie passed. real visitors with unique IPs. I have given up everything I use to love to do. WHY? I have not had a single day without tears since she was diagnosed.Yes, just over 18 months. I have no one to ground me to this life. I pray daily for all who mourn the death of a loved one or pet, O my, thankyou. Ive had the best and no one can take his place. My prayers are to hopefully things will get easier. My husband died in Feb 18 after 3 years struggle with multiple system atrophy. Want. I thank God daily for having given me 47yrs with such a great man. I was so blessed to have him. We get together once or twice a week and have made no plans for a future together. I never post anything because it feels truly pointless to share something nobody ultimately cares about. He was in and out of the hospital for months and then a small mass was found on his lung. Lend a supportive ear to others. I feel so helpless and guilty to have lost her. Its been two years as of June 2 that I lost my husband, soulmate and best friend. Why did he have to be taken away from me? I have been travelling a lot, which helps, have lovely, helpful children and friends, so many blessings, but this is like being punished and in many ways I feel I deserve it, I would like a cat or dog, something living around the house, but I go away so much. And I dont apologise for these indulgences they are my medicine, my vitamins, my support. My husband who was so much part of me died in late March this year. My two. I waited for the flood of feelings I was sure would come. Since I lost my son. I too have a friend that Ive known for over 40 years. That I was doing the things one does to deal with grief. I try to get through each day but it is so extremely difficult as you all know. Please dont do that. He was 54. I lost my mother, almost two years ago. I'm dropping a video in a few minutes on this 22 Sep 2017. I still am filled with sadness and feelings of not being able to go on without him. She battled stage 4-5 cancer for fourteen years. You should realize no parent-child relationship is ever perfect. (February 21, 1940 July 17, 2020) John R. Lewis, who died of pancreatic cancer, was the last surviving speaker of the 1963 March on Washington. Hi I lost my husband 15 months ago and Im so lost and empty inside I keep thinking maybe hes not really dead and is just taking time out on his way home from work he had a cardiac arrest we have 5 kids 3 older and two under 12 we were together for 25 years he was also my best friend we went through so much together I have a mental illness and from the good and bad times he was the I had a court case 11 months after he died he never got to see the outcome and after been together for so long 3 years ago with him by my side I decided to do it I wish he could have been there free dealing with things and been my my side I feel so guilty that at the time he needed me most I wasnt there for him also he was never sick I miss him so so much my heart and my body physically hurt . The one thing I found was when my mum passed I felt lonely even though there were people around me. Its the hardest thing to go through. Its not temporary but you will learn to live with it.You have to.I lost my wife of 33 years due to a terrible firearms accident.My uncle is 92 years old and we are very close.His time is limited.I know how you feel! What to do now with the time Im given and the people before me? He was 64. Good luck., I feel your pain. I lots my Mum 2 months before my partner and broke my ankle 2 weeks before he died.I have also moved house because he left the house we lived in to his sonhonest!! I have a lot of support but. I find myself not wanting to be around them because they get frustrated that I can not move forward. My younger brother spent his birthday on our sisters funeral. It was unexpected his passing we have been together since freshman year highschool have two LIVING boys 2 and 3 years old. Im coming up on the 2 year anniversary of his passing, I can for sure that it has not go He had cancer. Though having a busy job in our National health service, the NHS (in psychiatry) his own family of 4 children, he came on visits to Ireland, wrote letters etc ( we had no phone line & mobiles not invented). As for dealing with the every day pain, I will share a story from my life that gets me through it: I have a very low pain threshold. Peace be with you! "Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sigh" - Rossiter Worthington . 6 moth later I lost my father in law and and then lost my mother on my birthday. Village so he could relax and we would enjoy our golden years, but I am thankful I had as many years as I did with him as my best friend. So sad. A white feather flew into my hand out oof the blue. Just keep pushing onward and live while you are still able to. Im trying to figure out why its hitting me again all of the sudden after so many months of thinking I was fine. Am I wrong? So when he got sick I was always there for him. In February he will have been gone for two years, and while I have accepted the fact that he is gone, I feel so hollowed out. Never would I have thought that things were going to happen the way they did. As we approach our 24th wedding anniversary on 9 Nov, I yearn more and more for her. I thought or believed that the following year it would have been easier, but I was wrong. Courtesy Marisa Renee Lee. I try to do things volunteering etc.but I feel numb to everything. Year one: dont even remember. I do not know what long enough means. They have no idea. The first year I cried constantly, I would talk about him every moment I could and would talk to him when I drove anywhere, pretending he was sat in the passenger side of my car listening to me. He was 74, had some health conditions, though not that serious & was relatively able, fit & healthy. I am so fortunate that I have our wedding video. Christmas, Easter, my birthday, and now most recently we just suffered a loss five days ago, Thanksgiving, the last holiday not colored by the death of someone special to me. .it was always he and i. I constantly think of him and cry because our 55 years together made us so close and we even got to think alike after all that time. No matter how long it's been, there are times when it suddenly becomes harder to breathe. I find this second year a lot worse than the first. The 3rd year of losing my 47yo sister to Cancer as well. I just want him back. The first year I immersed myself in clearing things up and moved across the country to be with my daughter. Like you my life has changed completely I feel I am a different person, Im not sure I know myself. I think I just feel like I just dont care anymore. Reading these posts have made me realize I am not alone, but do not help ease the unending pain I feel. I feel guilty that it doesnt; as if I am hanging on to the grief. Intense emotional pain and sorrow, sometimes with anger and bitterness. He left behind a 5 year old boy. I miss him deeply . Who I am very proud to have and love them all dearly. But the slightest wind comes up or I lose focus and the boulder threatens to plummet me downward. We all know that with life there is death. I just had my s/o 1 year anniv of his passing and it was really a difficult few weeks leading up to it. If God gives us a window, I too am waiting. I also have an on/off boyfriend who is a narcissist I am sure. The reality of knowing that isnt going to happen is so heartbreaking. i have faith it will get easier somehow.but in that each of our circumstances are different, i just felt the need to feel sori for myself a minute. One day in a moment of clarity she told me how her mind was working, well kind of. The pain of losing you is immeasurable. When a friend's parent passes away, it can be hard to know what to say to them. I lost my husband of 44 years 14 months. She was my heart, my everything. My baby girl passed away 6 months later. I wouldnt wish this on anybody. My heart goes out to all of those who have left comments in this thread. Happiness will come but the saddness is always there.. but you learn to smile again. I miss him everyday and I just pray to God that he gives me the strength I need to move forward in life because Im not only living for me. Reading all of the comments on this forum I just dont feel that my grief is normal- I love and miss him so so much so just dont understand how I can just carry on with my life and am not at breaking point anymore. He was a wonderful man, husband, father, gaga and he was my very best friend. I do have my faith and helps sustain me Thirty years after I left school I met up with a group I'd been in the sixth form with that I'd not seen since I left - now we see each other every few months. Ive always been in control of my life & now Im not. It can be from 150 to 180 percent of the parent's full . My Wife, best friend, confidant, solemate is gone. We never thought this type of loss could happen to us. Dad has passed 18 mths now. I lost my only child Rob on Thanksgiving 2016 to a heroin overdose. Lost. I really dont like others to judge. He passed unexpectedly while on our first trip since retiring. Therapy has really helped integrate my anger. Dont know how to be happy. My husband was a juvenile diabetic since his teen yrs. On this day of mourning, you and your loved ones are in our thoughts. Maybe its a person who is also floating. its been 18 months since i lost my mum. That hurts. On those days I have to get up. I feel like time has stopped as I am in a complete never ending story of several emotions at one time. It never sets you up for well we knew it was going to happen. I just come home and enjoy the dogs and just survive the day. Margaret, your husband died after 46 years of marriage last year and mine round the same time after 45 years. I've written letters to everyone who . I will say all the craziness going on in the world and especially in the U.S. where the nightmares and fear continues with daily presidential tweetsa distraction I wish I didnt havebut a distraction from grief none the less. i am finding it more difficult with each passing day . You move on , try to meet new people. This happen to me. Key Takeaways. (His name was Jackie) I have not had one good day. How can we possibly ever recover. I just want to say this to you and I know you wont like but I know you know Im right! How much more do we enjoy the movie or party that we thought was going to be terrible? And evethough it was most peaceful thing I have ever scene. Hope for the future feels like nothing more than pretty words for fairy tales. It can be just about anythingand the wave comes crashing. I do what I have to do in the house the rest of the time I lay in my bed. Told us he had stage 4 lung cancer. I miss my best friend so much and really feel I cant talk with anyone about what I feel going into this 2nd year. I miss you so much. Ill keep tip toeing forward and maybe attempt to wave at someone carrying their boulder on the tight rope next to me. Caregiver for close to 8 years. I have good, great days, then.. ___days.I thank Gid fot the precious memories.. But my kids have pretty much disowned me wrote me off at showed no respect for me at all and I believe that our relationship together thats my kids is damage forever until I die. I was thirteen, now I'm fourteen. She had brain hematoma initially, she got sepsis after a month being in a coma. I wish you all peace. Christmas, new year and my birthday went and she was still in coma. Kim was DOA at the hospital and I couldnt face seeing the non living face of another sister. I was told theres no heartbeat, his heart stop beating that they have to take the tubes out. That is really important to know. "Time flies, whether you're wasting it or not.". I just want to let you know that, youre not the only one that feels this way, and that youre not alone. We only had 11 years together but they where the best years Ive ever had. He was sitting straight up holding his soda and gone.The widow Maker., 58 years old we were together as freshman/sophmore since 1977 he was my soul mate confident best friend and lover.

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it's been 9 months since you passed away